UFCG Materials Engineering Course aims to graduate Materials Engineers who have pluralistic knowledge and who are able to develop activities in a number of technology, research and industrial development and application areas. UFCG Materials Engineering Course qualifies professionals for Petrochemical, Electro-Electronics, Biomedical Engineering, Automotive and Aeronautics industries, in strict conformity with the national Technology and Science Development targets.

Materials Engineering Undergraduate Course, which is housed by Technology and Science Center of Universidade Federal da Paraíba – today Universidade Federal de Campina Grande – was created by University Council 61/79 Resolution in February 13 1979, and started its activities in the first semester of 1979. It was the first Materials Engineer course in northern and northeastern Brazil, and the second undergraduate of this kind in the country. It was aimed to graduate Materials Engineers to work in all the areas of Science and Materials Engineering (SME) and it was recognized by the Ministry of Education in November 1982. Its curriculum meets the demands of Resolution 02/2009 of CSE/UFCG and is recognized by MEC/SERES.
Course Code: 11126100; Duration: 05 years – 3.600 hours
Academic Type: Organized by classes, in semesters
Professional Regulation
In accordance with their purposes and objectives, Materials Engineers must be able to perform tasks in their area, as defined by law.
Law 5.194, from December 24 1966, refers to the Jobs of engineers, architects and agronomist engineers, in general terms.
Art. 1 to 18 of Resolution 218/73 describes the Materials Engineer’s job, which is related to materials technological procedures for industry and its industrial transformation; the use in facilities and in equipment intended for this specialized industrial production; its related services.